DFARS 252.227-7019 Validation of Asserted Restrictions--Computer Software. Basic (Jan 2025) (Current)

As prescribed in 227.7104(e)(3) or 227.7203-6(c), (c) Use the clause at 252.227-7019, Validation of Asserted Restrictions--Computer Software, in solicitations and contracts that include the clause at 252.227-7014. The clause provides procedures for the validation of asserted restrictions on the Government's rights to use, release, or disclose computer software.


(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—

Contractor, unless otherwise specifically indicated, means the Contractor and its subcontractors or suppliers.

Other terms are defined in the 252.227-7014, Rights in Other Than Commercial Computer Software and Other Than Commercial Computer Software Documentation, clause of this contract.

(b) Justification. The Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to justify the validity of any asserted restrictions on the Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, perform, display, release, or disclose computer software delivered, required to be delivered, or otherwise provided to the Government under this contract and shall be prepared to furnish to the Contracting Officer a written justification for such asserted restrictions in response to a request for information under paragraph (d) of this clause or a challenge under paragraph (f) of this clause.

(c) Direct contact with subcontractors or suppliers. The Contractor agrees that the Contracting Officer may transact matters under this clause directly with subcontractors or suppliers at any tier who assert restrictions on the Government's right to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose computer software. Neither this clause, nor any action taken by the Government under this clause, creates or implies privity of contract between the Government and the Contractor's subcontractors or suppliers.

(d) Requests for information. (1) The Contracting Officer may request the Contractor to provide sufficient information to enable the Contracting Officer to evaluate the Contractor's asserted restrictions. Such information shall be based upon the records required by this clause or other information reasonably available to the Contractor.

       (2) Based upon the information provided, if the—

              (i) Contractor agrees that an asserted restriction is not valid, the Contracting Officer may—

                     (A) Strike or correct the unjustified marking at the Contractor's expense; or

                     (B) Return the computer software to the Contractor for correction at the Contractor's expense. If the Contractor fails to correct or strike the unjustified marking and return the corrected software to the Contracting Officer within 60 days following receipt of the software, the Contracting Officer may correct or strike the marking at the Contractor's expense;

              (ii) Contracting Officer concludes that the asserted restriction is appropriate for this contract, the Contracting Officer shall so notify the Contractor in writing.

       (3) The Contractor's failure to provide a timely response to a Contracting Officer's request for information or failure to provide sufficient information to enable the Contracting Officer to evaluate an asserted restriction shall constitute reasonable grounds for questioning the validity of an asserted restriction.

(e) Government right to challenge and validate asserted restrictions. (1) The Government, when there are reasonable grounds to do so, has the right to review and challenge the validity of any restrictions asserted by the Contractor on the Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose computer software delivered, to be delivered under this contract, or otherwise provided to the Government in the performance of this contract. Except for software that is publicly available, has been furnished to the Government without restrictions, has been otherwise made available without restrictions, or is the subject of a fraudulently asserted use or release restriction, the Government may exercise this right only within 6 years after the date(s) the software is delivered or otherwise furnished to the Government, or 6 years following final payment under this contract, whichever is later.

       (2) The absence of a challenge to an asserted restriction shall not constitute validation under this clause. Only a Contracting Officer's final decision or actions of an agency Board of Contract Appeals or a court of competent jurisdiction that sustain the validity of an asserted restriction constitute validation of the restriction.

(f) Challenge procedures. (1) A challenge must be in writing and shall—

              (i) State the specific grounds for challenging the asserted restriction;

              (ii) Require the Contractor to respond in writing within 60 days;

              (iii) Require the Contractor to provide justification for the assertion based upon records kept in accordance with paragraph (b) of this clause and such other documentation that are reasonably available to the Contractor, in sufficient detail to enable the Contracting Officer to determine the validity of the asserted restrictions; and

              (iv) State that a Contracting Officer's final decision, during the 3-year period preceding this challenge, or action of a court of competent jurisdiction or Board of Contract Appeals that sustained the validity of an identical assertion made by the Contractor (or a licensee) shall serve as justification for the asserted restriction.

       (2) The Contracting Officer shall extend the time for response if the Contractor submits a written request showing the need for additional time to prepare a response.

       (3) The Contracting Officer may request additional supporting documentation if, in the Contracting Officer's opinion, the Contractor's explanation does not provide sufficient evidence to justify the validity of the asserted restrictions. The Contractor agrees to promptly respond to the Contracting Officer's request for additional supporting documentation.

       (4) Notwithstanding challenge by the Contracting Officer, the parties may agree on the disposition of an asserted restriction at any time prior to a Contracting Officer's final decision or, if the Contractor has appealed that decision, filed suit, or provided notice of an intent to file suit, at any time prior to a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction or Board of Contract Appeals.

       (5) If the Contractor fails to respond to the Contracting Officer's request for information or additional information under paragraph (f)(1) of this clause, the Contracting Officer shall issue a final decision, in accordance with the Disputes clause of this contract, pertaining to the validity of the asserted restriction.

       (6) If the Contracting Officer, after reviewing any available information pertaining to the validity of an asserted restriction, determines that the asserted restriction has—

              (i) Not been justified, the Contracting Officer shall issue promptly a final decision, in accordance with the Disputes clause of this contract, denying the validity of the asserted restriction; or

              (ii) Been justified, the Contracting Officer shall issue promptly a final decision, in accordance with the Disputes clause of this contract, validating the asserted restriction.

       (7) A Contractor receiving challenges to the same asserted restriction(s) from more than one Contracting Officer shall notify each Contracting Officer of the other challenges. The notice shall also state which Contracting Officer initiated the first in time unanswered challenge. The Contracting Officer who initiated the first in time unanswered challenge, after consultation with the other Contracting Officers who have challenged the restrictions and the Contractor, shall formulate and distribute a schedule that provides the Contractor a reasonable opportunity for responding to each challenge.

(g) Contractor appeal—Government obligation. (1) The Government agrees that, notwithstanding a Contracting Officer's final decision denying the validity of an asserted restriction and except as provided in paragraph (g)(3) of this clause, it will honor the asserted restriction—

              (i) For a period of 90 days from the date of the Contracting Officer's final decision to allow the Contractor to appeal to the appropriate Board of Contract Appeals or to file suit in an appropriate court;

              (ii) For a period of 1 year from the date of the Contracting Officer's final decision if, within the first 90 days following the Contracting Officer's final decision, the Contractor has provided notice of an intent to file suit in an appropriate court; or

              (iii) Until final disposition by the appropriate Board of Contract Appeals or court of competent jurisdiction, if the Contractor has—

                     (A) Appealed to the Board of Contract Appeals or filed suit in an appropriate court within 90 days; or

                     (B) Submitted, within 90 days, a notice of intent to file suit in an appropriate court and filed suit within 1 year.

       (2) The Contractor agrees that the Government may strike, correct, or ignore the restrictive markings if the Contractor fails to—

              (i) Appeal to a Board of Contract Appeals within 90 days from the date of the Contracting Officer's final decision;

              (ii) File suit in an appropriate court within 90 days from such date; or

              (iii) File suit within 1 year after the date of the Contracting Officer's final decision if the Contractor had provided notice of intent to file suit within 90 days following the date of the Contracting Officer's final decision.

       (3)(i) The agency head, on a nondelegable basis, may determine that urgent or compelling circumstances do not permit awaiting the filing of suit in an appropriate court, or the rendering of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction or Board of Contract Appeals. In that event, the agency head shall notify the Contractor of the urgent or compelling circumstances. Notwithstanding paragraph (g)(1) of this clause, the Contractor agrees that the agency may use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose computer software marked with—

                     (A) Government purpose legends for any purpose, and authorize others to do so; or

                     (B) Restricted or special license rights for Government purposes only.

              (ii) The Government agrees not to release or disclose such software unless, prior to release or disclosure, the intended recipient is subject to the use and nondisclosure agreement at Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 227.7103-7, or is a Government contractor receiving access to the software for performance of a Government contract that contains the clause at DFARS 252.227-7025, Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information Marked with Restrictive Legends. The agency head's determination may be made at any time after the date of the Contracting Officer's final decision and shall not affect the Contractor's right to damages against the United States, or other relief provided by law, if its asserted restrictions are ultimately upheld.

(h) Final disposition of appeal or suit. If the Contractor appeals or files suit and if, upon final disposition of the appeal or suit, the Contracting Officer's decision is:

       (1) Sustained—

              (i) Any restrictive marking on such computer software shall be struck or corrected at the contractor's expense or ignored; and

              (ii) If the asserted restriction is found not to be substantially justified, the Contractor shall be liable to the Government for payment of the cost to the Government of reviewing the asserted restriction and the fees and other expenses (as defined in 28 U.S.C. 2412(d)(2)(A)) incurred by the Government in challenging the restriction, unless special circumstances would make such payment unjust.

       (2) Not sustained—

              (i) The Government shall be bound by the asserted restriction; and

              (ii) If the challenge by the Government is found not to have been made in good faith, the Government shall be liable to the Contractor for payment of fees and other expenses (as defined in 28 U.S.C. 2412(d)(2)(A)) incurred by the Contractor in defending the restriction.

(i) Flowdown. The Contractor shall insert this clause in all contracts, purchase orders, and other similar instruments with its subcontractors or suppliers, at any tier, who will be furnishing computer software to the Government in the performance of this contract. The clause may not be altered other than to identify the appropriate parties.

(End of clause)

(i) Flowdown. The Contractor shall insert this clause in all contracts, purchase orders, and other similar instruments with its subcontractors or suppliers, at any tier, who will be furnishing computer software to the Government in the performance of this contract. The clause may not be altered other than to identify the appropriate parties.

Mandatory (Exception);
(Applies when furnishing computer software to the Government in the performance of this contract.)
⚠ =252.227-7014 Basic

52.209-10 Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic Corporations.

52.214-27 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data-Modifications-Sealed Bidding.

52.215-10 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data.

52.215-11 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data-Modifications.

52.216-24 Limitation of Government Liability.

52.222-12 Contract Termination-Debarment.

52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons.

52.222-55 Minimum Wages Under Executive Order 13658.

52.228-1 Bid Guarantee.

52.228-8 Liability and Insurance-Leased Motor Vehicles.

52.232-27 Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts.

52.236-23 Responsibility of the Architect-Engineer Contractor.

52.242-3 Penalties for Unallowable Costs.

52.246-16 Responsibility for Supplies.

52.246-18 Warranty of Supplies of a Complex Nature.

52.246-19 Warranty of Systems and Equipment under Performance Specifications or Design Criteria.

52.246-21 Warranty of Construction.

52.247-21 Contractor Liability for Personal Injury and/or Property Damage.

52.247-22 Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Freight other than Household Goods.

52.247-23 Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Household Goods.

52.247-58 Loading, Blocking, and Bracing of Freight Car Shipments.

52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons.

52.247-69 Reporting Requirement for U.S.- Flag Air Carriers Regarding Training to Prevent Human Trafficking.


252.247-7007 Liability and Insurance.

252.247-7014 Demurrage.

252.247-7016 Contractor Liability for Loss or Damage.

1852.245-71 Installation-accountable Government Property.

1852.227-88 Government-furnished computer software and related technical data.

1852.228-70 Aircraft Ground and Flight Risk.

1852.228-71 Aircraft Flight Risks.

1852.228-76 Cross-Waiver of Liability for International Space Station Activities.

1852.228-78 Cross-Waiver of Liability for Science or Space Exploration Activities Unrelated to the International Space Station.

1852.228-80 Insurance - Immunity From Tort Liability.

1852.228-81 Insurance - Partial Immunity From Tort Liability.

1852.228-82 Insurance - Total Immunity From Tort Liability.

1852.236-73 Hurricane Plan.

1852.245-72 Liability for Government property furnished for repair or other services.

3052.217-93 Subcontracts (USCG).

3052.217-95 Liability and insurance (USCG).

3052.217-97 Discharge of liens (USCG).

3052.217-99 Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for ship repairing (USCG).

3052.217-100 Guarantee (USCG).

3052.222-70 Strikes or picketing affecting timely completion of the contract work.

3052.222-71 Strikes or picketing affecting access to a DHS facility.

5352.223-9001 Health and Safety on Government Installations

5152.225-5900 Arming Requirements and Procedures for Personal Security Services Contractors and Requests for Personal Protection

5152.225-5903 Compliance with Laws and Regulations

5152.228-5900 Government Liability for Non-Tactical Vehicles

5152.225-5902 Fitness for Duty and Medical/Dental Care Limitations


552.236-73 Subcontracts.

552.211-70 Substantial Completion.

552.211-76 Charges for Packaging, Packing, and Marking.

552.236-80 Accounting Records and Progress Payments.

552.211-89 Non-Manufactured Wood Packaging Material for Export.

552.236-71 Contractor Responsibilities.

552.236-82 Subcontracts.

552.270-7 Fire and Casualty Damage.

652.236-70 Accident Prevention.

1452.204-70 Release of Claims.

1452.236-72 Preservation of historical and archeological data.

1452.228-72 Liability for Loss or Damage - Department of the Interior.

752.222-71 Nondiscrimination.

752.239-71 Information and Communication Technology Accessibility.

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