This clause has not been authorized for official release. We recommend deferring to the text of the clause in your RFP or contract. 
As prescribed in AI 5125.7703-5(S-100)(k), insert clause 5152.225-5915, Contractor Accountability and Personnel Recovery, in all solicitations and contracts with performance in Afghanistan.


(a) Contract performance may require work in dangerous or austere conditions. Except as otherwise provided in the contract, the contractor accepts the risks associated with required contract performance in such operations.

     (1) Unaccounted Personnel: It is the expectation of the USG that any contractor brought into Afghanistan for the sole purposes of performance of work on a USG contract must be accounted for at all times by their respective employers. Additionally, contractors who maintain living quarters on a USG base shall verify the location of each of its employees' living quarters a minimum of once a month. If a DoD contracted employee becomes missing and evidence does not indicate foul play, a Personnel Recovery (PR) event is NOT automatically triggered. Such an event will be treated as an accountability battle drill by the employer's chain of command or civilian equivalent.

     (2) Contractor Responsibilities: The contractor is responsible to take all necessary steps to locate and investigate the unaccounted for employee(s) whereabouts to the maximum extent practicable. To assist in this process, contractors may use the Operational Contracting Support Drawdown Cell as a resource to track or research employee's last known location and/or to view LOA's. All missing personnel will immediately be reported to the installation division Personnel Recovery Officer (PRO), Mayor's cell, Military Police Station and/or the Criminal Investigative Division, and the Base Defense Operations Center (BDOC).

     (3) Contractor Provided Information: If it is determined that a potential criminal act has occurred, the USD PRO (or USFOR-A Personnel Recovery Division (PRD) with prior coordination) will attempt to validate the missing person's identity through the employer. The contractor shall provide the information to the PRD within 12 hours of request. The required information the contractor should keep on file includes but is not limited to: copy of the individuals Letter of Authorization generated by the Synchronized Pre-deployment and Operational Tracker System (SPOT), copy of passport and visas, housing information of where the individual resides such as room number and location, DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data, copy of badging, and contact information for known friends or associates.

(b) If USFOR-A PRD determines through investigation that the unaccounted personnel have voluntarily left the installation either seeking employment with another contractor or other non-mission related reasons, PRD will notify the contractor. The contractor shall ensure that all government-related documents such as LOA's, visas, etc. are terminated/reconciled appropriately within 24 hours of notification by PRD in accordance with subparagraph (a)(8) of DFARS Clause 252.225-7997 entitled “Contractor Demobilization”. Contractors who fail to account for their personnel or whose employees create PR events will be held in breach of their contract and face all remedies available to the Contracting Officer.

(c) Contractors shall notify the Contracting Officer, as soon as practicable, whenever employee kidnappings, serious injuries or deaths occur. Report the following information:

Contract Number
Contract Description & Location
Company Name

Reporting party:
Phone number
e-mail address
Gender (Male/Female)
Country of permanent residence

Date and time

Other Pertinent Information

(End of Clause)


Prime’s Interest;
Domestic ✖ 

52.209-10 Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic Corporations.

52.214-27 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data-Modifications-Sealed Bidding.

52.215-10 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data.

52.215-11 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data-Modifications.

52.216-24 Limitation of Government Liability.

52.222-12 Contract Termination-Debarment.

52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons.

52.222-55 Minimum Wages Under Executive Order 13658.

52.228-1 Bid Guarantee.

52.228-8 Liability and Insurance-Leased Motor Vehicles.

52.232-27 Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts.

52.236-23 Responsibility of the Architect-Engineer Contractor.

52.242-3 Penalties for Unallowable Costs.

52.246-16 Responsibility for Supplies.

52.246-18 Warranty of Supplies of a Complex Nature.

52.246-19 Warranty of Systems and Equipment under Performance Specifications or Design Criteria.

52.246-21 Warranty of Construction.

52.247-21 Contractor Liability for Personal Injury and/or Property Damage.

52.247-22 Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Freight other than Household Goods.

52.247-23 Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Household Goods.

52.247-58 Loading, Blocking, and Bracing of Freight Car Shipments.

52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons.

52.247-69 Reporting Requirement for U.S.- Flag Air Carriers Regarding Training to Prevent Human Trafficking.

252.227-7019 Validation of Asserted Restrictions--Computer Software.


252.247-7007 Liability and Insurance.

252.247-7014 Demurrage.

252.247-7016 Contractor Liability for Loss or Damage.

1852.245-71 Installation-accountable Government Property.

1852.227-88 Government-furnished computer software and related technical data.

1852.228-70 Aircraft Ground and Flight Risk.

1852.228-71 Aircraft Flight Risks.

1852.228-76 Cross-Waiver of Liability for International Space Station Activities.

1852.228-78 Cross-Waiver of Liability for Science or Space Exploration Activities Unrelated to the International Space Station.

1852.228-80 Insurance - Immunity From Tort Liability.

1852.228-81 Insurance - Partial Immunity From Tort Liability.

1852.228-82 Insurance - Total Immunity From Tort Liability.

1852.236-73 Hurricane Plan.

1852.245-72 Liability for Government property furnished for repair or other services.

3052.217-93 Subcontracts (USCG).

3052.217-95 Liability and insurance (USCG).

3052.217-97 Discharge of liens (USCG).

3052.217-99 Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for ship repairing (USCG).

3052.217-100 Guarantee (USCG).

3052.222-70 Strikes or picketing affecting timely completion of the contract work.

3052.222-71 Strikes or picketing affecting access to a DHS facility.

5352.223-9001 Health and Safety on Government Installations

5152.225-5900 Arming Requirements and Procedures for Personal Security Services Contractors and Requests for Personal Protection

5152.225-5903 Compliance with Laws and Regulations

5152.228-5900 Government Liability for Non-Tactical Vehicles

5152.225-5902 Fitness for Duty and Medical/Dental Care Limitations

552.236-73 Subcontracts.

552.211-70 Substantial Completion.

552.211-76 Charges for Packaging, Packing, and Marking.

552.236-80 Accounting Records and Progress Payments.

552.211-89 Non-Manufactured Wood Packaging Material for Export.

552.236-71 Contractor Responsibilities.

552.236-82 Subcontracts.

552.270-7 Fire and Casualty Damage.

652.236-70 Accident Prevention.

1452.204-70 Release of Claims.

1452.236-72 Preservation of historical and archeological data.

1452.228-72 Liability for Loss or Damage - Department of the Interior.

752.222-71 Nondiscrimination.

752.239-71 Information and Communication Technology Accessibility.

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