As prescribed in 728.313(a), USAID is required by law to include language in all its direct contracts and subcontracts ensuring that all U.S. marine insurance companies have a fair opportunity to bid for marine insurance when such insurance is necessary or appropriate under the contract. USAID has therefore established a supplementary preface to the clause at (48 CFR) FAR 52.228-9. This supplementary preface is set forth in (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.228-9, and is required for use in any USAID-direct contract where marine insurance is necessary or appropriate.
As prescribed in 728.313(a), the following preface is to be used preceding the text of the clause at (48 CFR) FAR 52.228-9:
Cargo Insurance (DEC 1998)
Preface: To the extent that marine insurance is necessary or appropriate under this contract, the contractor shall ensure that U.S. marine insurance companies are offered a fair opportunity to bid for such insurance. This requirement shall be included in all subcontracts under this contract.
(End of clause)