GSA 552.215-71 [Reserved] Basic (Jan 9999) (Current)



Subcontractor ✖ Contracts ✖ 

52.246-26 Reporting Nonconforming Items.

52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.204-25 Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons.

52.204-26 Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services—Representation.

52.204-26 Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representation.

52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.204-25 Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment

52.222-19 Child Labor-Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies.

52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons.

52.246-26 Reporting Nonconforming Items.

52.222-19 Child Labor-Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies.

52.222-19 Child Labor-Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies.

52.246-26 Reporting Nonconforming Items.

52.222-19 Child Labor-Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies.

252.204-7018 Prohibition on the Acquisition of Covered Defense Telecommunications Equipment or Services.

252.204-7017 Prohibition on the Acquisition of Covered Defense Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representation.

252.225-7050 Disclosure of Ownership or Control by the Government of a Country that is a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

252.225-7975 Additional Access to Contractor and Subcontractor Records (DEVIATION 2020-O0001)

552.215-72 Price Adjustment—Failure to Provide Accurate Information.

952.223-75 Preservation of individual occupational radiation exposure records.

970.5204-3 Access to and ownership of records.

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