DOE 952.223-75 Preservation of individual occupational radiation exposure records. Basic (Apr 1984) (Current)

As prescribed at 923.7003(g), insert the clause in contracts containing 952.223-71, Integration of environment, safety, and health into work planning and execution, or 952.223-72, Radiation protection and nuclear criticality

Preservation of Individual Occupational Radiation Exposure Records (APR 1984)

Individual occupational radiation exposure records generated in the performance of work under this contract shall be generated and maintained by the contractor in accordance with 36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, “Records Management,” the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)-approved DOE Records Disposition Schedules, and shall be operated as a DOE Privacy Act system of records, in accordance with the Privacy Act.

(End of clause)


Prime’s Interest;
⚠ =952.223-71 Basic
⚠ =952.223-72 Basic

52.223-11 Ozone-Depleting Substances and High Global Warming Potential Hydrofluorocarbons.

52.223-3 Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data.

52.223-7 Notice of Radioactive Materials.

52.250-1 Indemnification Under Public Law 85-804.

52.250-3 SAFETY Act Block Designation/Certification.

52.250-4 SAFETY Act Pre-qualification Designation Notice.

52.250-5 SAFETY Act-Equitable Adjustment.

52.223-22 Public Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Goals-Representation.

252.223-7001 Hazard Warning Labels.

252.223-7002 Safety Precautions for Ammunition and Explosives.

252.223-7003 Change in Place of Performance--Ammunition and Explosives.

252.223-7006 Prohibition on Storage, Treatment, and Disposal of Toxic or Hazardous Materials.

252.223-7007 Safeguarding Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives.

252.223-7008 Prohibition of Hexavalent Chromium.

252.225-7009 Restriction on Acquisition of Certain Articles Containing Specialty Metals.

252.225-7052 Restriction on the Acquisition of Certain Magnets, Tantalum, and Tungsten.

252.223-7009 Prohibition of Procurement of Fluorinated Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Fire-Fighting Agent for Use on Military Installations



3052.223-70 Removal or disposal of hazardous substances – applicable licenses and permits

3052.223-90 Accident and fire reporting (USCG).

5352.223-9000 Elimination of Use of Class I Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)

5352.223-9001 Health and Safety on Government Installations

552.223-70 Hazardous Substances.

552.223-71 Nonconforming Hazardous Materials.

552.223-72 Hazardous Material Information.

552.223-73 Preservation, Packaging, Packing, Marking, and Labeling of Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) For Shipments.

652.236-70 Accident Prevention.

1452.236-70 Prohibition Against Use of Lead-based Paint.

952.223-78 Sustainable acquisition program.

952.225-70 Subcontracting for nuclear hot cell services.

970.5223-1 Integration of environment, safety, and health into work planning and execution.

952.204-73 Facility clearance.

952.223-71 Integration of environment, safety, and health into work planning and execution.

952.223-72 Radiation protection and nuclear criticality.

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