FAR 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statutes or Executive Orders—Commercial Products and Commercial Services. Basic (Jan 2025) (Current)

As prescribed in 12.301(b)(4), insert the following provisions in solicitations for the acquisition of commercial items, and clauses in solicitations and contracts for the acquisition of commercial items:

The clause at 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders-Commercial Products and Commercial Services . This clause incorporates by reference only those clauses required to implement provisions of law or Executive orders applicable to the acquisition of commercial products or commercial services. The contracting officer shall attach this clause to the solicitation and contract and, using the appropriate clause prescriptions, indicate which, if any, of the additional clauses cited in 52.212-5(b) or (c) are applicable to the specific acquisition. Some of the clauses require fill-in; the fill-in language should be inserted as directed by 52.104(d). When cost information is obtained pursuant to part  15 to establish the reasonableness of prices for commercial products or commercial services, the contracting officer shall insert the clauses prescribed for this purpose in an addendum to the solicitation and contract. This clause may not be tailored.

                (i) Use the clause with its Alternate I when the head of the agency has waived the examination of records by the Comptroller General in accordance with 25.1001.

                (ii) (A) If the acquisition will use funds appropriated or otherwise made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5), the contracting officer shall use the clause with its Alternate II.
                     (B) (1) In the case of a bilateral contract modification that will use funds appropriated or otherwise made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the contracting officer shall specify applicability of Alternate II to that modification.
                          (2) In the case of a task- or delivery-order contract in which not all orders will use funds appropriated or otherwise made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the contracting officer shall specify the task or delivery orders to which Alternate II applies.

                     (C) The contracting officer may not use Alternate I when Alternate II applies.

Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statutes or Executive Orders—Commercial Products and Commercial Services (JAN 2025)

   (a) The Contractor shall comply with the following Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses, which are incorporated in this contract by reference, to implement provisions of law or Executive orders applicable to acquisitions of commercial products and commercial services:

           (1) 52.203-19, Prohibition on Requiring Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements or Statements (Jan 2017) (section 743 of Division E, Title VII, of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (Pub. L. 113-235) and its successor provisions in subsequent appropriations acts (and as extended in continuing resolutions)).

           (2) 52.204-23, Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab and Covered Entities (Dec 2023) (Section 1634 of Pub. L. 115-91)

           (3) 52.204-25, Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. (Nov 2021) (Section 889(a)(1)(A) of Pub. L. 115-232).

           (4) 52.209-10, Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic Corporations (Nov 2015).

           (5) 52.232-40, Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Subcontractors (Mar 2023) ( 31 U.S.C. 3903 and 10 U.S.C. 3801).

           (6) 52.233-3, Protest After Award (Aug 1996) ( 31 U.S.C. 3553).

           (7) 52.233-4, Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim (Oct 2004) (Public Laws 108-77 and 108-78 ( 19 U.S.C. 3805 note)).

(b) The Contractor shall comply with the FAR clauses in this paragraph (b) that the Contracting Officer has indicated as being incorporated in this contract by reference to implement provisions of law or Executive orders applicable to acquisitions of commercial products and commercial services: [Contracting Officer check as appropriate.]

__(1) 52.203-6, Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government (JUN 2020), with Alternate I (NOV 2021) (41 U.S.C. 4704 and 10 U.S.C. 4655).

__(2) 52.203-13, Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (NOV 2021) (41 U.S.C. 3509).

__(3) 52.203-15, Whistleblower Protections under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (JUN 2010) (Section 1553 of Pub. L. 111-5). (Applies to contracts funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.)

__(4) 52.203-17, Contractor Employee Whistleblower Rights (NOV 2023) (41 U.S.C. 4712); this clause does not apply to contracts of DoD, NASA, the Coast Guard, or applicable elements of the intelligence community-see FAR 3.900(a).

__(5) 52.204-10, Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards (JUN 2020) (Pub. L. 109-282) (31 U.S.C. 6101 note).

__(6) [Reserved]

__(7) 52.204-14, Service Contract Reporting Requirements (OCT 2016) (Pub. L. 111-117, section 743 of Div. C).

__(8) 52.204-15, Service Contract Reporting Requirements for Indefinite- Delivery Contracts (OCT 2016) (Pub. L. 111- 117, section 743 of Div. C).

__(9) 52.204-27, Prohibition on a ByteDance Covered Application (JUN 2023) (Section 102 of Division R of Pub. L. 117- 328).

__(10) 52.204-28, Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act Orders-Federal Supply Schedules, Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts, and Multi-Agency Contracts. (DEC 2023) (Pub. L. 115-390, title II).

__(11)(i) 52.204-30, Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act Orders- Prohibition. (DEC 2023) (Pub. L. 115-390, title II).

      __(ii) Alternate I (DEC 2023) of 52.204- 30.

__(12) 52.209-6, Protecting the Government's Interest When Subcontracting With Contractors Debarred, Suspended, Proposed for Debarment, or Voluntarily Excluded. (JAN 2025) (31 U.S.C. 6101 note).

__(13) 52.209-9, Updates of Publicly Available Information Regarding Responsibility Matters (OCT 2018) (41 U.S.C. 2313).

__(14) [Reserved]

__(15) 52.219-3, Notice of HUBZone Set- Aside or Sole-Source Award (OCT 2022) (15 U.S.C. 657a).

__(16) 52.219-4, Notice of Price Evaluation Preference for HUBZone Small Business Concerns (OCT 2022) (if the offeror elects to waive the preference, it shall so indicate in its offer) (15 U.S.C. 657a).

__(17) [Reserved]

__(18)(i) 52.219-6, Notice of Total Small Business Set-Aside (NOV 2020) (15 U.S.C. 644).

      __(ii) Alternate I (MAR 2020) of 52.219-6.

__(19)(i) 52.219-7, Notice of Partial Small Business Set-Aside (NOV 2020) (15 U.S.C. 644).

      __(ii) Alternate I (MAR 2020) of 52.219-7.

__(20) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (JAN 2025) (15 U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)).

__(21)(i) 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan (JAN 2025) (15 U.S.C. 637(d)(4)).

      __(ii) Alternate I (NOV 2016) of 52.219-9.

      __(iii) Alternate II (NOV 2016) of 52.219-9.

      __(iv) Alternate III (JUN 2020) of 52.219-9.

      __(v) Alternate IV (JAN 2025) of 52.219-9.

__(22)(i) 52.219-13, Notice of Set-Aside of Orders (MAR 2020) (15 U.S.C. 644(r)).

      __(ii) Alternate I (MAR 2020) of 52.219- 13.

__(23) 52.219-14, Limitations on Subcontracting (OCT 2022) (15 U.S.C. 657s).

__(24) 52.219-16, Liquidated Damages- Subcontracting Plan (SEP 2021) (15 U.S.C. 637(d)(4)(F)(i)).

__(25) 52.219-27, Notice of Set-Aside for, or Sole-Source Award to, Service- Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Concerns Eligible Under the SDVOSB Program (FEB 2024) (15 U.S.C. 657f).

__(26)(i) 52.219-28, Postaward Small Business Program Rerepresentation (JAN 2025) (15 U.S.C. 632(a)(2)).

      __(ii) Alternate I (MAR 2020) of 52.219-28.

__(27) 52.219-29, Notice of Set-Aside for, or Sole-Source Award to, Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business Concerns (OCT 2022) (15 U.S.C. 637(m)).

__(28) 52.219-30, Notice of Set-Aside for, or Sole-Source Award to, Women-Owned Small Business Concerns Eligible Under the Women-Owned Small Business Program (OCT 2022) (15 U.S.C. 637(m)).

__(29) 52.219-32, Orders Issued Directly Under Small Business Reserves (MAR 2020) (15 U.S.C. 644(r)).

__(30) 52.219-33, Nonmanufacturer Rule (SEP 2021) (15 U.S.C. 637(a)(17)).

__(31) 52.222-3, Convict Labor (JUN 2003) (E.O. 11755).

__(32) 52.222-19, Child Labor- Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies (JAN 2025) (E.O. 13126).

__(33) 52.222-21, Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (APR 2015).

__(34)(i) 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity (SEPT 2016) (E.O. 11246).

      __(ii) Alternate I (FEB 1999) of 52.222- 26.

__(35)(i) 52.222-35, Equal Opportunity for Veterans (JUN 2020) (38 U.S.C. 4212).

      __(ii) Alternate I (JULY 2014) of 52.222- 35.

__(36)(i) 52.222-36, Equal Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities (JUN 2020) (29 U.S.C. 793).

      __(ii) Alternate I (JULY 2014) of 52.222- 36.

__(37) 52.222-37, Employment Reports on Veterans (JUN 2020) (38 U.S.C. 4212).

__(38) 52.222-40, Notification of Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act (DEC 2010) (E.O. 13496).

__(39)(i) 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons (NOV 2021) (22 U.S.C. chapter 78 and E.O. 13627).

      __(ii) Alternate I (MAR 2015) of 52.222- 50 (22 U.S.C. chapter 78 and E.O. 13627).

__(40) 52.222-54, Employment Eligibility Verification (JAN 2025). (Executive Order 12989). (Not applicable to the acquisition of commercially available off-the-shelf items or certain other types of commercial products or commercial services as prescribed in FAR 22.1803.)

__(41)(i) 52.223-9, Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for EPA-Designated Items (MAY 2008) (42 U.S.C. 6962(c)(3)(A)(ii)). (Not applicable to the acquisition of commercially available off-the- shelf items.)

      __(ii) Alternate I (MAY 2008) of 52.223- 9 (42 U.S.C. 6962(i)(2)(C)). (Not applicable to the acquisition of commercially available off- the-shelf items.)

__(42) 52.223-11, Ozone-Depleting Substances and High Global Warming Potential Hydrofluorocarbons (MAY 2024) (42 U.S.C. 7671, et seq.).

__(43) 52.223-12, Maintenance, Service, Repair, or Disposal of Refrigeration Equipment and Air Conditioners (MAY 2024) (42 U.S.C. 7671, et seq.).

__(44) 52.223-20, Aerosols (MAY 2024) (42 U.S.C. 7671, et seq.).

__(45) 52.223-21, Foams (MAY 2024) (42 U.S.C. 7671, et seq.).

__(46) 52.223-23, Sustainable Products and Services (MAY 2024) (E.O. 14057, 7 U.S.C. 8102, 42 U.S.C. 6962, 42 U.S.C. 8259b, and 42 U.S.C. 7671l).

 __(47)(i) 52.224-3, Privacy Training (JAN 2017) (5 U.S.C. 552a).

       __(ii) Alternate I (JAN 2017) of 52.224-3.

 __(48)(i) 52.225-1, Buy American- Supplies (OCT 2022)) (41 U.S.C. chapter 83).

       __(ii) Alternate I (OCT 2022) of 52.225-1.

 __(49)(i) 52.225-3, Buy American-Free Trade Agreements-Israeli Trade Act (NOV 2023) (19 U.S.C. 3301 note, 19 U.S.C. 2112 note, 19 U.S.C. 3805 note, 19 U.S.C. 4001 note, 19 U.S.C. chapter 29 (sections 4501-4732), Public Law 103-182, 108-77, 108-78, 108-286, 108-302, 109-53, 109-169, 109-283, 110-138, 112-41, 112-42, and 112-43.

       __(ii) Alternate I [Reserved].

      __ (iii) Alternate II (JAN 2025) of 52.225-3.

      __ (iv) Alternate III (FEB 2024) of 52.225-3.

       __(v) Alternate IV (OCT 2022) of 52.225-3.

 __(50) 52.225-5, Trade Agreements (NOV 2023) (19 U.S.C. 2501, et seq., 19 U.S.C. 3301 note).

__ (51) 52.225-13, Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (FEB 2021) (E.O.'s, proclamations, and statutes administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Department of the Treasury).

__ (52) 52.225-26, Contractors Performing Private Security Functions Outside the United States (OCT 2016) (Section 862, as amended, of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008; 10 U.S.C. Subtitle A, Part V, Subpart G Note).

__ (53) 52.226-4, Notice of Disaster or Emergency Area Set-Aside (NOV 2007) (42 U.S.C. 5150).

__ (54) 52.226-5, Restrictions on Subcontracting Outside Disaster or Emergency Area (NOV 2007) (42 U.S.C.5150).

__ (55) 52.226-8, Encouraging Contractor Policies to Ban Text Messaging While Driving (May 2024) (E.O. 13513).

__ (56) 52.229-12, Tax on Certain Foreign Procurements (FEB 2021).

__ (57) 52.232-29, Terms for Financing of Purchases of Commercial Products and Commercial Services (NOV 2021) (41 U.S.C.4505, 10 U.S.C. 3805).

__ (58) 52.232-30, Installment Payments for Commercial Products and Commercial Services (NOV 2021) (41 U.S.C. 4505, 10 U.S.C. 3805).

__ (59) 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-System for Award Management (OCT 2018) (31 U.S.C. 3332).

 __(60) 52.232-34, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-Other than System for Award Management (JUL 2013) (31 U.S.C. 3332).

__ (61) 52.232-36, Payment by Third Party (MAY 2014) (31 U.S.C. 3332).

 __(62) 52.239-1, Privacy or Security Safeguards (AUG 1996) (5 U.S.C. 552a).

__ (63) 52.240–1, Prohibition on Unmanned Aircraft Systems Manufactured or Assembled by American Security Drone Act—Covered Foreign Entities (Nov 2024) (Sections 1821–1826, Pub. L. 118–31, 41 U.S.C.3901 note prec.).

__ (64) 52.242-5, Payments to SmallBusiness Subcontractors (JAN 2017)(15 U.S.C. 637(d)(13)).

__ (65)(i) 52.247-64, Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels (NOV 2021) (46 U.S.C. 55305 and 10 U.S.C. 2631).

      __ (ii) Alternate I (Apr 2003) of 52.247- 64.

      __ (iii) Alternate II (NOV 2021) of 52.247-64.

  (c) The Contractor shall comply with the FAR clauses in this paragraph (c), applicable to commercial services, that the Contracting Officer has indicated as being incorporated in this contract by reference to implement provisions of law or Executive orders applicable to acquisitions of commercial products and commercial services:

     [Contracting Officer check as appropriate.]

            __ (1) 52.222-41, Service Contract Labor Standards (Aug 2018) ( 41 U.S.C. chapter67).

            __ (2) 52.222-42, Statement of Equivalent Rates for Federal Hires (May 2014) ( 29 U.S.C. 206 and 41 U.S.C. chapter 67).

            __ (3) 52.222-43, Fair Labor Standards Act and Service Contract Labor Standards-Price Adjustment (Multiple Year and Option Contracts) (Aug 2018) ( 29 U.S.C. 206 and 41 U.S.C. chapter 67).

            __ (4) 52.222-44, Fair Labor Standards Act and Service Contract Labor Standards-Price Adjustment (May 2014) ( 29U.S.C.206 and 41 U.S.C. chapter 67).

            __ (5) 52.222-51, Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Labor Standards to Contracts for Maintenance, Calibration, or Repair of Certain Equipment-Requirements (May 2014) ( 41 U.S.C. chapter 67).

            __ (6) 52.222-53, Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Labor Standards to Contracts for Certain Services-Requirements (May 2014) ( 41 U.S.C. chapter 67).

            __ (7) 52.222-55, Minimum Wages for Contractor Workers Under Executive Order 14026 (Jan 2022).

            __ (8) 52.222-62, Paid Sick Leave Under Executive Order 13706 (Jan 2022) (E.O. 13706).

            __ (9) 52.226-6, Promoting Excess Food Donation to Nonprofit Organizations (Jun 2020) ( 42 U.S.C. 1792).

            __(10) 52.247–69, Reporting Requirement for U.S.-Flag Air Carriers Regarding Training to Prevent Human Trafficking (JAN 2025) (49 U.S.C. 40118(g)).

      (d) Comptroller General Examination of Record. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of this paragraph (d) if this contract was awarded using other than sealed bid, is in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold, as defined in FAR 2.101, on the date of award of this contract, and does not contain the clause at 52.215-2, Audit and Records-Negotiation.

           (1) The Comptroller General of the United States, or an authorized representative of the Comptroller General, shall have access to and right to examine any of the Contractor’s directly pertinent records involving transactions related to this contract.

           (2) The Contractor shall make available at its offices at all reasonable times the records, materials, and other evidence for examination, audit, or reproduction, until 3 years after final payment under this contract or for any shorter period specified in FAR subpart 4.7, Contractor Records Retention, of the other clauses of this contract. If this contract is completely or partially terminated, the records relating to the work terminated shall be made available for 3 years after any resulting final termination settlement. Records relating to appeals under the disputes clause or to litigation or the settlement of claims arising under or relating to this contract shall be made available until such appeals, litigation, or claims are finally resolved.

           (3) As used in this clause, records include books, documents, accounting procedures and practices, and other data, regardless of type and regardless of form. This does not require the Contractor to create or maintain any record that the Contractor does not maintain in the ordinary course of business or pursuant to a provision of law.

      (e)(1) Notwithstanding the requirements of the clauses in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this clause, the Contractor is not required to flow down any FAR clause, other than those in this paragraph (e)(1), in a subcontract for commercial products or commercial services. Unless otherwise indicated below, the extent of the flow down shall be as required by the clause-

                (i) 52.203-13, Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (Nov 2021) ( 41 U.S.C. 3509).

                (ii) 52.203–17, Contractor Employee Whistleblower Rights (Nov 2023) (41 U.S.C.4712).

                (iii) 52.203-19, Prohibition on Requiring Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements or Statements (Jan 2017) (section 743 of Division E, Title VII, of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (Pub. L. 113-235) and its successor provisions in subsequent appropriations acts (and as extended in continuing resolutions)).

                (iv) 52.204-23, Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab Covered Entities (Dec 2023) (Section 1634 of Pub. L. 115-91).

                (v) 52.204-25, Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. (Nov 2021) (Section 889(a)(1)(A) of Pub. L. 115-232).

                (vi) 52.204-27, Prohibition on a ByteDance Covered Application (JUN 2023) (Section 102 of Division R of Pub. L. 117–328).

                (vii)(A) 52.204–30, Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act Orders— Prohibition. (DEC 2023) (Pub. L. 115–390, title II). 

                        (B) Alternate I (DEC 2023) of 52.204–30.

                (viii) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (JAN 2025) ( 15 U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)), in all subcontracts that offer further subcontracting opportunities. If the subcontract (except subcontracts to small business concerns) exceeds the applicable threshold specified in FAR 19.702(a) on the date of subcontract award, the subcontractor must include 52.219-8 in lower tier subcontracts that offer subcontracting opportunities.

                (ix) 52.222-21, Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (Apr 2015).

                (x) 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity (Sep 2015) (E.O.11246).

                (xi) 52.222-35, Equal Opportunity for Veterans (Jun 2020) ( 38 U.S.C. 4212).

                (xii) 52.222-36, Equal Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities (Jun 2020) ( 29 U.S.C. 793).

                (xiii) 52.222-37, Employment Reports on Veterans (Jun 2020) ( 38 U.S.C. 4212).

                (xiv) 52.222-40, Notification of Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act (Dec 2010) (E.O. 13496). Flow down required in accordance with paragraph (f) of FAR clause 52.222-40.

                (xv) 52.222-41, Service Contract Labor Standards (Aug 2018) ( 41 U.S.C. chapter 67).

                (xvi)(A) 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons (Nov 2021) ( 22 U.S.C. chapter 78 and E.O 13627).

                     (B) Alternate I (Mar 2015) of 52.222-50 ( 22 U.S.C. chapter 78 and E.O. 13627).

                (xvii) 52.222-51, Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Labor Standards to Contracts for Maintenance, Calibration, or Repair of Certain Equipment-Requirements (May 2014) ( 41 U.S.C. chapter 67).

                (xviii) 52.222-53, Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Labor Standards to Contracts for Certain Services-Requirements (May 2014) ( 41 U.S.C. chapter 67).

                (xix) 52.222-54, Employment Eligibility Verification (JAN 2025) (E.O. 12989).

                (xx) 52.222-55, Minimum Wages for Contractor Workers Under Executive Order 14026 (Jan 2022).

                (xxi) 52.222-62, Paid Sick Leave Under Executive Order 13706 (Jan 2022) (E.O. 13706).

                (xxii)(A) 52.224-3, Privacy Training (Jan 2017) ( 5 U.S.C. 552a).

                     (B) Alternate I (Jan 2017) of 52.224-3.

                 (xxiii) 52.225-26, Contractors Performing Private Security Functions Outside the United States (Oct 2016) (Section 862, as amended, of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008; 10 U.S.C. Subtitle A, Part V, Subpart G Note).

                 (xxiv) 52.226-6, Promoting Excess Food Donation to Nonprofit Organizations (Jun 2020) ( 42 U.S.C. 1792). Flow down required in accordance with paragraph (e) of FAR clause 52.226-6.

                 (xxv) 52.232-40, Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Subcontractors (Mar 2023) ( 31 U.S.C. 3903 and 10 U.S.C. 3801). Flow down required in accordance with paragraph (c) of 52.232-40.

                 (xxvi) 52.240–1, Prohibition on Unmanned Aircraft Systems Manufactured or Assembled by American Security Drone Act—Covered Foreign Entities (Nov 2024) (Sections 1821–1826, Pub. L. 118–31, 41 U.S.C.3901 note prec.).

                 (xxvii)   52.247-64, Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels (Nov 2021) ( 46 U.S.C. 55305 and 10 U.S.C. 2631). Flow down required in accordance with paragraph (d) of FAR clause 52.247-64.

           (2) While not required, the Contractor may include in its subcontracts for commercial products and commercial services a minimal number of additional clauses necessary to satisfy its contractual obligations.

(End of clause)


  (2) While not required, the Contractor may include in its subcontracts for commercial products and commercial services a minimal number of additional clauses necessary to satisfy its contractual obligations.

Prime’s obligation;
Non-commercial items ✖ (SAM.gov clause) ✔ 
⚠ <>52.244-6 Basic

52.204-26 Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representation.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications—Commercial Items.

52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.225-1 Buy American-Supplies

52.225-3 Buy American-Free Trade Agreements-Israeli Trade Act.

52.225-9 Buy American-Construction Materials.

52.225-11 Buy American-Construction Materials under Trade Agreements.

52.225-23 Required Use of American Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Goods-Buy American Statute-Construction Materials under Trade Agreements.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications-Commercial Items.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications-Commercial Items.

52.225-9 Buy American-Construction Materials.

52.222-18 Certification Regarding Knowledge of Child Labor for Listed End Products.

52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.204-25 Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment

52.225-1 Buy American-Supplies

52.225-11 Buy American-Construction Materials under Trade Agreements.

52.225-3 Buy American-Free Trade Agreements-Israeli Trade Act.

52.225-7 Waiver of Buy American Statute for Civil Aircraft and Related Articles.

52.225-9 Buy American-Construction Materials.

52.246-26 Reporting Nonconforming Items.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications—Commercial Items.

52.246-26 Reporting Nonconforming Items.

52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.204-25 Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications—Commercial Items.

52.204-26 Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services—Representation.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications—Commercial Products and Commercial Services.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications-Commercial Items.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications—Commercial Products and Commercial Services.

52.225-3 Buy American-Free Trade Agreements-Israeli Trade Act.

52.225-5 Trade Agreements.

52.225-11 Buy American-Construction Materials under Trade Agreements.

52.225-23 Required Use of American Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Goods-Buy American Statute-Construction Materials under Trade Agreements.

52.225-23 Required Use of American Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Goods-Buy American Statute-Construction Materials under Trade Agreements.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications—Commercial Products and Commercial Services.

52.223-3 Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications—Commercial Products and Commercial Services.

52.246-26 Reporting Nonconforming Items.

252.225-7038 Restriction on Acquisition of Air Circuit Breakers.

252.225-7052 Restriction on the Acquisition of Certain Magnets, Tantalum, and Tungsten.

252.225-7013 Duty-Free Entry.

252.225-7017 Photovoltaic Devices.

252.225-7018 Photovoltaic Devices-Certificate.

252.225-7036 Buy American-Free Trade Agreements--Balance of Payments

252.225-7001 Buy American and Balance of Payments Program.

252.225-7021 Trade Agreements.

252.225-7036 Buy American-Free Trade Agreements--Balance of Payments

252.225-7036 Buy American-Free Trade Agreements--Balance of Payments

252.225-7044 Balance of Payments Program--Construction Material.

252.225-7045 Balance of Payments Program--Construction Material Under Trade Agreements.

252.225-7017 Photovoltaic Devices.

252.225-7021 Trade Agreements.

252.225-7045 Balance of Payments Program--Construction Material Under Trade Agreements.

252.225-7052 Restriction on the Acquisition of Certain Magnets and Tungsten.

252.225-7038 Restriction on Acquisition of Air Circuit Breakers.

752.247-70 Preference for privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels.

52.209-1 Qualification Requirements.

52.211-14 Notice of Priority Rating for National Defense, Emergency Preparedness, and Energy Program Use.

52.211-16 Variation in Quantity.

52.211-18 Variation in Estimated Quantity.

52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications—Commercial Products and Commercial Services.

52.222-18 Certification Regarding Knowledge of Child Labor for Listed End Products.

52.223-3 Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data.

52.225-1 Buy American-Supplies

52.225-23 Required Use of American Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Goods-Buy American Statute-Construction Materials under Trade Agreements.

52.225-5 Trade Agreements.

52.225-7 Waiver of Buy American Statute for Civil Aircraft and Related Articles.

52.225-8 Duty-Free Entry.

52.225-9 Buy American-Construction Materials.

52.227-19 Commercial Computer Software License.

52.227-20 Rights in Data-SBIR Program.

52.246-11 Higher-Level Contract Quality Requirement.

52.246-15 Certificate of Conformance.

52.247-36 F.a.s. Vessel, Port of Shipment.

52.247-37 F.o.b. Vessel, Port of Shipment.

52.247-38 F.o.b. Inland Carrier, Point of Exportation.

52.247-39 F.o.b. Inland Point, Country of Importation.

52.247-40 Ex Dock, Pier, or Warehouse, Port of Importation.

52.247-41 C.& f. Destination.

52.247-42 C.i.f. Destination.

52.247-43 F.o.b. Designated Air Carrier’s Terminal, Point of Exportation.

52.247-44 F.o.b. Designated Air Carrier’s Terminal, Point of Importation.

52.247-51 Evaluation of Export Offers.

52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.204-25 Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment

52.246-26 Reporting Nonconforming Items.

52.204-26 Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representation.

52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

52.204-25 Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment

52.225-1 Buy American-Supplies

52.225-11 Buy American-Construction Materials under Trade Agreements.

52.225-3 Buy American-Free Trade Agreements-Israeli Trade Act.

52.225-9 Buy American-Construction Materials.

52.204-27 Prohibition on a ByteDance Covered Application.

52.223-23 Sustainable Products and Services.

252.225-7059 Prohibition on Certain Procurements from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region–Representation..

252.225-7060 Prohibition on Certain Procurements from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

252.232-7018 Progress Payments-Multiple Lots.

252.225-7053 Representation Regarding Prohibition on Use of Certain Energy Sourced from Inside the Russian Federation.

252.225-7054 Prohibition on Use of Certain Energy Sourced from Inside the Russian Federation.Federation.

252.225-7051 Prohibition on Acquisition of Certain Foreign Commercial Satellite Services.

252.225-7052 Restriction on the Acquisition of Certain Magnets, Tantalum, and Tungsten.

252.225-7017 Photovoltaic Devices.

252.225-7021 Trade Agreements.

252.225-7036 Buy American-Free Trade Agreements--Balance of Payments

252.208-7000 Intent to Furnish Precious Metals as Government-Furnished Material.

252.211-7006 Passive Radio Frequency Identification.

252.213-7000 Notice to Prospective Suppliers on Use of Supplier Performance Risk System in Past Performance Evaluations.

252.217-7001 Surge Option.

252.217-7026 Identification of Sources of Supply.

252.225-7001 Buy American and Balance of Payments Program.

252.225-7013 Duty-Free Entry.

252.225-7018 Photovoltaic Devices-Certificate.

252.225-7044 Balance of Payments Program--Construction Material.

252.225-7045 Balance of Payments Program--Construction Material Under Trade Agreements.

252.229-7001 Tax Relief.

252.229-7002 Customs Exemptions (Germany).

252.235-7011 Final Scientific or Technical Report.

252.239-7017 Notice of Supply Chain Risk.

252.239-7018 Supply Chain Risk.

252.246-7007 Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance System.

1852.225-8 Duty-Free Entry of Space Articles.

1852.235-73 Final Scientific and Technical Reports.

1852.242-73 NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting.

1852.245-73 Financial reporting of NASA property in the custody of contractors.

1852.246-71 Government Contract Quality Assurance.

1852.247-73 Bills of Lading.








5252.204-9501 National Stock Numbers (NAVAIR) (Mar 2007)

5252.247-9507 Packaging and Marking of Reports (NAVAIR)

5252.247-9508 Prohibited Packing Materials (NAVAIR)

5252.247-9509 Preservation, Packaging, Packing, and Marking (NAVAIR) (Jul 1998)

5252.247-9510 Preservation, Packaging, Packing, and Marking for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Requirements (NAVAIR) (Oct 2005)

5252.247-9514 Technical Data Packing Instructions (NAVAIR)

3052.217-98 Delays (USCG).

5352.217-9000 Long Lead Limitation of Government Liability

5152.225-5914 Commodity Shipping Instructions

5152.236-5900 Electrical and Structural Building Standards for Construction Projects

5152.247-5900 Inbound/Outbound Cargo and Contractor Equipment Census

552.211-10 Commencement, Prosecution, and Completion of Work.

552.236-11 Use and Possession Prior to Completion.

552.236-15 Schedules for Construction Contracts.

552.236-21 Specifications and Drawings for Construction.

552.238-86 Delivery Schedule.

552.238-87 Delivery Prices.

552.238-89 Deliveries to the U.S. Postal Service.

552.238-90 Characteristics of Electric Current.

552.238-91 Marking and Documentation Requirements for Shipping.

552.238-92 Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) Program.

552.238-94 Accelerated Delivery Requirements.

552.238-95 Separate Charge for Performance Oriented Packaging (POP).

552.238-96 Separate Charge for Delivery within Consignee's Premises.

552.238-97 Parts and Service.

552.238-99 Delivery Prices Overseas.

552.238-100 Transshipments.

552.238-107 Export Traffic Release (Supplies).

552.238-108 Spare Parts Kit.

552.238-109 Authentication Supplies and Services.

552.238-110 Commercial Satellite Communication (COMSATCOM) Services.

552.238-111 Environmental Protection Agency Registration Requirement.

552.211-13 Time Extensions.

552.211-70 Substantial Completion.

552.211-73 Marking.

552.211-75 Preservation, Packaging and Packing.

552.211-76 Charges for Packaging, Packing, and Marking.

552.211-77 Packing List.

552.211-79 Acceptable Age of Supplies.

552.211-80 Age on Delivery.

552.211-81 Time of Shipment.

552.211-83 Availability for Inspection, Testing, and Shipment/Delivery.

552.211-85 Consistent Pack and Package Requirements.

552.211-86 Maximum Weight per Shipping Container.

552.211-87 Export Packing.

552.211-88 Vehicle Export Preparation.

552.211-89 Non-Manufactured Wood Packaging Material for Export.

552.211-90 Small Parts.

552.211-91 Vehicle Decals, Stickers, and Data Plates.

552.211-92 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Using Passive Tags.

552.211-94 Time of Delivery.

552.242-70 Status Report of Orders and Shipments.

552.246-70 Source Inspection by Quality Approved Manufacturer.

552.246-71 Source Inspection by Government.

552.246-72 Final Inspection and Tests.

552.246-77 Additional Contract Warranty Provisions for Supplies of a Noncomplex Nature.

552.246-78 Inspection at Destination.

652.247-70 Notice of Shipments.

652.247-71 Shipping Instructions

752.247-70 Preference for privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels.

952.211-70 Priorities and allocations for energy programs (solicitations).

952.211-71 Priorities and allocations for energy programs (contracts).

1352.201-72 Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).

1352.208-70 Restrictions on printing and duplicating.

1352.216-71 Level of effort (cost-plus-fixed-fee, term contract).

1352.216-70 Estimated and allowable costs.

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