This clause has not been authorized for official release. We recommend deferring to the text of the clause in your RFP or contract.
If you have complaints about this procurement, it is preferable that you first attempt to resolve those concerns with the responsible contracting officer. However, you can also protest to Headquarters, AMC. The HQ, AMC-Level Protest Program is intended to encourage interested parties to seek resolution of their concerns within AMC as an Alternative Dispute Resolution forum, rather than filing a protest with the General Accounting Office or other external forum. Contract award or performance is suspended during the protest to the same extent, and within the same time periods, as if filed at the GAO. The AMC protest decision goal is to resolve protests within 20 working days from filing. To be timely, protests must be filed within the periods specified in FAR 33.103.
If you want to file a protest under the AMC-Level Protest Program, the protest must request resolution under that program and be sent to the address below. All other agency-level protests should be sent to the contracting officer for resolution.
Headquarters U.S. Army Materiel Command Office of Command Counsel
4400 Martin Road Rm: A6SE040.001
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000
Facsimile number (256)450-8840
The AMC-Ievel protest procedures are found at:
If Internet access is not available, contact the contracting officer or HQ, AMC to obtain the AMC-Level Protest Procedures.
(End of Provision)